How to record a Phone Call on an Android Phone
Despite the fact that your Android smartphone can do all sorts of magical tricks, recording a phone call is actually rather difficult. A big part in this is that manufacturers probably don’t want the hassle of any potential law ramifications. Yes, recording phone calls might not be legal where you live so definitely research the laws for your area before attempting to record your conversation.
Luckily app developers recognize the fact it can be hard so they have made all sorts of handy apps to help you out. Simply do a search in your app store for ‘Call Recorder’ or something similar to that and you’ll be greeted with many apps. Most of them are free although some will offer premium services for extra features.
Depending on the app you download will depend on the process, some however are as simple as installing the app, launching it and then making calls as normal. Then your app will automatically begin recording your phone call for you to listen back on whenever, which can be lots of fun if you’re a social busy body out doing funny phone calls to your friends.
Other apps have a more tedious process which require you to edit folders and adjust this, that and the other but a lot of the automatic apps have raving reviews and are very effective at what they do.
So there you have it, take a look at the apps below for three great apps that will help you record your phone calls.
Automatic Call Recorder
This handy app is highly recommended and allows you to decide which numbers to record and which to ignore as well as a host of other great features such as saving to the cloud of Dropbox.
Automatic Call Recorder
Another great choice when considering call recording apps is this one. Your calls will be automatically recorded once you’ve lauched the app so you’ll never lose important information that might be exchanged on the phone.
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Auto Call Recorder
Lastly we have this app. While all three apps do very similar things you might find one has a feature you prefer or is less intrusive. As you download and experiment just make sure to uninstall any previous call recording apps you might have on your device.