Best Games of July 2016 like Suicide Squad & Combo Critters!

July is upon us! And with it, we have a fresh new selection of delicious games to see us through the hot days where we feel like our skin is melting. July has been a great month for games, a dash of action with just a hint of adventure (or maybe a lot of both) makes for some mean playing time.
Suicide Squad: Special Ops
Join the epic squad of antiheroes as you battle through wave after wave of enemies. You can play as either Harley Quinn, Deadshot or Diablo and the aim is simply to survive as long as you can against increasingly difficult opponents. It’s a first-person shooter, full of action and a joy to play. You can even explore the city for ammo packs, health and other upgrades.
Next on our list is HIT where you’ll become a hero in a fantasy world, fighting evil and defeating every last enemy that dares cross your path. You’ll choose from four different warriors before you begin and as you complete missions you’ll be able to improve your character and weapons in an role-playing game kind of way. The game itself is a hack-and-slash, massively multiplayer and is loads of fun, it’s only drawback is that it does require quite a lot of memory to download.
Maiden: Legacy of the Beast
So you’ll take control of a guy called Eddie. He finds himself a little bit down on his luck. For most of us, if we lost our soul we might just lie there peacefully and wither away, but no not Eddie. He’s an awesome guy destroying hoards of evil demons, slowly trying to piece the remnants of his soul back together. The game also features imagery and music from Iron Maiden spanning their entire career. What more could you want? Oh, and just look at their game icon. It’s epic.
Combo Critters
I thought I’d take it down a notch here. So far we’ve had a squad of talented criminals, a man without a soul destroying legions of enemies and a fantasy kingdom in need of rescue. To lighten to mood we have Combo Critters. The graphics are colorful but simple and despite the cartoon-like appearance there is still some sort of action ahead.
You basically travel across different worlds, conquering them as you battle monsters which you can collect and then combine with other monsters that you might have got. It’s fun, it’s easy to pick up and play and you’ll find yourself thoroughly entertained.
Slip Away
Last on this wonderful list is Slip Away. Graphically it is absolutely stunning, elegant and all rather simplistic which only adds to the appeal. You play as a little monster who is endlessly travelling through the dangerous depths of the ocean, trying to escape the darkness. You’ll find power-ups to help you along the way, unlock new characters and find that the rules to time itself don’t seem to apply as an hour whizzes passed in a matter of minutes. It’s a great way to end this list and if you like arcade style games then you’ll love this.