What is an APK file and how do you install one in AndroidOut?

Image 1 What is an APK file and how do you install one in AndroidLista ?

If you use an Android device then you may have heard about something called an APK file. You may also have pulled a puzzled face and thought “what the heck is that then?” Well worry not, for below I will explain what an APK file is and how you can install one on your device using AndroidOut.

What is an APK File?

An APK file just just the term for a particular file type. For example, if you are using a desktop computer, you’ll be familiar with the .exe file type. These allow programs and files to install onto your computer. APK files work in the exact same way. They contain all of the information needed to install and app or game onto your Android device.

Why would I ever need to install an APK file when I can use Google Play?

The Google Play store is the safest way to install apps onto your device, however it isn’t without its problems. Sometimes you’ll be waiting weeks or months for a new update to be released on the Play Store, or perhaps you live in a country or area where you can’t access the Google Play Store. Some developers leak early releases of their apps before they are published on the Play Store too.

In these instances, you’ll want to use an APK. By bypassing the Play Store you’ll be able to directly access an app or game ahead of time or “downgrade” to earlier releases if an update is buggy or crashes a lot.

How do I install them?

Installing an APK using AndroidOut is incredibly simple. Before you do anything, you’ll first need to adjust the settings on your device to allow you to install apps from third-party sources. To do this you’ll want to navigate to “Settings” –> “Security” –> and put a check in the “Unknown Sources”. This will let your device install APK files.

Once you’ve done that, all you need to do is find and tap on any app or game on our website. That will bring up a page full of information about the app, along with different install options. You’ll find an option to have a link e-mailed to you, go direct to the Play Store or directly download the APK for the app.

If it’s your first time using AndroidOut, choosing the e-mail option is a great way to simultaneously sign up to our newsletter so you’ll hear about the latest and greatest news about different apps, as well as any special offers or cool information. Otherwise, tap on the third option (Download Safe APK file).

That will download the APK onto your device, and providing you’ve changed your settings so that you can install apps from unknown sources, you’ll be able to install it instantly. Once it’s downloaded simply go to your downloads, tap on the APK and tap on “Yes” when the screen prompts you. Then just wait a short while as it installs and away you go.

That’s it. It’s incredibly simple and you’ll be embarking on your own amazing adventures in no time, without having to deal with the Google Play Store.

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