“Okay Google” Your Own Audio Messages to WhatsApp!
We all know how cool it is when we speak to our phones and they do things or speak back to us. It’s a gimmick sure, but there’s something about talking to our technology that feels really satisfying. Well, it’s getting even cooler. As many of you probably know, Android phones have Google Assistant. This is like their version of Siri (but not as good!).
Now a feature you might not know about is related to WhatsApp (You know, the communication king). You can speak to your Google Assistant, tell it to send an audio message to a contact and then speak your message. This will then be sent as an audio clip through WhatsApp to your amigo.
It’s incredibly simple, incredibly useful and incredibly…incredible. So here’s what you need to do.
– Make sure you have Google Assistant set-up.
– Speak and say:
“Okay Google, send a voice message to ___ <— (Insert name here)”, followed by your message.
“Send a voice message”….choose your recipient, and then speak your message.
“Send a voice message to ___ <— (Insert name here) I’ll be home for dinner at 6pm and I’ll remember to get the milk from the shop”.
It doesn’t matter whether you say it all in one go, or break it up into steps, everything after the recipient name will be recorded and sent to your contact of choice. You will of course get a chance to listen back to it and what not in case you’re not happy with the result, but most of the time it’s perfect word for word.
WhatsApp Messenger
The social giant doesn’t seem to be showing any sign of slowing down, with constantly evolving features and more users joining everyday. WhatsApp is an app everyone with a smartphone should own thanks to the ease at which you can chat with anybody in the world, for free.