What is the best Android app to Stop a Social Networking Addiction?

Image 1 What is the best Android app to Stop a Social Networking Addiction

There’s absolutely no question that smartphones have become a huge part of our lives, in fact some people can’t function without them. They’ve become integral to our lifestyles; whether you utilize apps for business, entertainment, education or simply to relax and turn your brain off.

So what happens when we become addicted to them? Would we ever even know? Think about it. When you wake up in the morning – what’s the first thing you do? If you’re like us, then you reach for your phone, scroll through Facebook, check your social media feeds, tweet some stuff and then upload a photo on Instagram.

The good news is there are apps out there to help wean you off of apps (ironic we know). The 5 apps below are designed to help you limit your time spent on social media and gaming and help you focus without distractions. Improve your productivity and take a look at the list below.

  1. ( OFFTIME ) - Distraction Free

    ( OFFTIME ) – Distraction Free

    The first app on our list is a little gem called Offtime. This app is designed to free you from the constraints of a digital addiction. To use it, simply create different profiles within the app. Each profile can do certain things, or everything, depending on your needs. You can use it to extreme measures which will block all incoming calls, messages and notifications. You can set up automatic responses and you can access a log whenever you want which details any activity you might have missed out on. It’s a great starting point to break your habit.

  2. BreakFree Cell Phone Addiction

    BreakFree Cell Phone Addiction

    Next up is this great application. It’s packed with features and can not only help you use your device less, but it can tell you exactly how bad your addiction it. You can first set it to monitor your usage, which will then display the results to you in easy-to-understand graphics. From there you can set notifications to remind you to use your device less, restrict your access to certain things and even dim your screen when you’re using it too long.

  3. QualityTime - My Digital Diet

    QualityTime – My Digital Diet

    One way of figuring out if you have a problem when it comes to using social media too much is with QualityTime. This app will track your usage and will offer you an analysis which breaks down all of the key aspects of your results. You can set limitations on specific apps, implement custom notifications to remind you to take a break and much more. It’s a sophisticated and effective application to help reduce the amount of time you spend looking at your screen.

  4. AppDetox - Digital Detox

    AppDetox – Digital Detox

    If you want to reduce the amount of time you spend on your phone playing games or uploading photos to Instagram then AppDetox can help. It’s designed to help you reduce your usage by giving you control to create custom parameters to decide what apps you should limit and which should work as normal. If you break a rule after you’ve created it and added it into the app, you’ll be sent notifications to remind you to desist and put your device down.

  5. Flipd: Distraction blocker

    Flipd: Distraction blocker

    Lastly we have Flipd. This app is quite extreme so make sure you need to take advantage of its features before you set it up. It’s designed to be aggressive and powerful in the execution of its orders. This means you can’t undo the settings when they are in effect. You can’t reset the app. You’ll be locked into your commitment. The app will shut down your entire device for a limited amount of time. You can reset your device. Reset the app. Nothing will help. You’ll be locked out and distraction free. Perhaps this is the only app we need on this list!

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