12 WhatsApp Tricks for Android everyone should know! Part 1!
WhatsApp is a fantastic app that has helped people all over the world communicate for free. It has evolved a lot since it first started, with the addition of making calls, sending images and videos all helping to create a great social app for all of your needs. That said, there a lot of basic features that are implemented within WhatsApp that a lot of people might not know.
We’ve decided to help you out a little and give you 12 of the most helpful tips and tricks everyone with an Android and WhatsApp should know. If there’s a tip or trick we haven’t mentioned but is something you absolutely swear by, make sure to leave it in the comments so everyone can learn about it too!
Backup and restore your conversations:
Simply go into ‘Settings‘ –> ‘Chat Settings‘ and then just tap on ‘Backup Conversations‘. This will create a backup of all of your conversations related to your phone number and account. It won’t save any media though so you’ll need to copy that separately using a file manager. To restore chats, you’ll need to uninstall and then reinstall WhatsApp onto your device and follow the prompts when you are first setting it up.
Hide the ‘Last Seen’ Timestamp:
It’s incredibly easy to change whether or not people can see when you was last online. From within the app, tap on the three dots in the top right-hand side of the screen and select ‘Settings‘. From there navigate to ‘Account‘ and then just change the ‘Just seen’ section to nobody. It’s worth noting that if you hide your last seen then everyone else’s will automatically be hidden from you.
If you want to hide your messages from prying eyes (we all know that friend or family member that enjoys a good ‘harmless’ snoop) then you’re in luck. There are many apps available that allow you to block access to your apps, some are dedicated to WhatsApp and some are more generic. Take a look at the different tools here and search through the list.
Create Shortcuts to Important Contacts:
If you have one or two people that you regularly chat with then it’ll be handy to know that you can set them to your home screen as a cool little widget. All you have to do is open up your list of conversations and long press the specific contact you want to create a shortcut of. After a couple of seconds, you’ll get the option to ‘Add Conversation Shortcut‘ and that contact will appear on your home screen.
Prevent Automatic Media Download:
Every time you receive any kind of media via WhatsApp, it is automatically stored on your device and can be found within the gallery side of your Android. While this can be useful for finding pictures, it also uses up memory and could just be annoying for you. In the past you would have needed a separate piece of software to handle this, now though it’s as easy as going into the three little dots again, selecting ‘Chats and Calls‘ and tapping on ‘Media Auto-Download‘.
Send .apk & exe, .pdf And More Files:
WhatsApp doesn’t typically let you send anything other than photo’s from your gallery, audio clips you record and the odd video. That said, it is possible to send files such as exe, .apk and other types of things with apps like Cloud Send.
Check back tomorrow for the next 6 tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your WhatsApp experience!