Telegram has several features that ensure privacy for its users. One of the newest privacy features is the “Flexible routing” feature. This feature allows users to forward messages and media files without mentioning the sender ID. How cool! The new Telegram feature is importa…
Android Apps
Do you know of the common phrase “Greenlight, redlight” from Squid Game? You probably do by now! If you don’t, you should check out Squid Game on Netflix, the South Korean-based film that has been trending for almost two months now. Fans from all over the world have been disc…
Not everyone loves to cook or has time to be in the kitchen to prepare a meal for themselves or the whole family. To help solve this problem, technological advancements over the last few years have made it easier for people to order food online. Many restaurants have develope…
Instagram has a variety of stickers that you can use at any time while creating Insta Stories. The stickers add life to your Stories, and some also allow you to engage with your followers. It is possible to use several stickers on one story. The development team at Instagram …
Emojis are widely used on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, and WhatsApp to express emotions and to spice up conversations. Each of these social media platforms has a wide array of emojis that you can use. Did you know that you can combine em…
Not everyone is a game enthusiast to play hardcore games like racing, action, and sports games. To help such people enjoy games during their free time or while on long journeys, game developers have been creating and releasing casual games that do not require a lot of experti…
The Instagram Stories feature has undergone some upgrades over the years. There are several tools and effects that you can now use on your Instagram stories before posting them. You can add text, images, music, location, and questions among other items. There is also a collec…
Apart from using emojis and stickers while making conversations on social media platforms like Facebook, you can use avatars to bring out the right emotion and to make the conversation interesting. Facebook avatars are the equivalent of Bitmoji from Snapchat. Facebook provide…
Whether you are working or still in school, you require data processing software that will help you type letters or notes, make presentations, and also compute numbers. The most commonly used and known software is the Microsoft Office suite that is mostly used on PCs. However…
When texting friends on social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, or Instagram, we sometimes tend to misspell some words either by accident or because we do not know how to correctly spell specific words. Misspelling words might be embarrassing, especially if you are ta…
TikTok is all about short videos! The more quality content you post, the more followers and popularity you will get. But how can you make your TikTok videos worthwhile to your followers and other TikTok users? TikTok has an in-built editor with a variety of tools that allow y…
Instagram is ever-evolving with new features! Just recently, Instagram released a new feature that will interest individuals that like to go live, companies, and brands; The Live Scheduling feature. The live scheduling feature allows Instagram users to schedule, plan, and pro…