Useful Telegram Functions that WhatsApp Does Not Have

Image 2: Useful Telegram Functions that WhatsApp Does Not Have

Telegram and WhatsApp are both widely used instant messaging platforms that allow their users to send and receive text messages, media files including audio, video, images, and recordings, and also documents. Both platforms also support video calls and audio calls.

Although Telegram and WhatsApp have so many features in common, they have other features that are different. People prefer to use either of the apps because of the features available on each platform. However, Telegram seems to have many more functions and features than WhatsApp. Because of this, a majority of people may argue that Telegram is better and more superior to WhatsApp.

To compare the two apps, Telegram and WhatsApp, this piece highlights some of the useful functions in Telegram that are not on WhatsApp

Send and Receive Large Files

Telegram, unlike WhatsApp, allows users to send and receive files up to 2GB in size. WhatsApp, on the other hand, has a limitation of up to 100MB. If you try to upload a file that is greater than 100MB on WhatsApp, you will receive a notification that the file is too bid to send.

Editing Already Sent Messages

It is possible to edit already sent messages on Telegram. If you send a wrongly written message to another person, you can easily tap and hold the sent message and tap edit on the popup menu that appears. This function is not available on WhatsApp.

Image 4: Useful Telegram Functions that WhatsApp Does Not Have

Add a Contact Without Phone Number

Telegram allows you to add a contact without having to use the phone number. You can use the unique Telegram usernames to search and add contacts. On WhatsApp, the phone number is tied to user accounts. You need to have someone’s phone number to add them to your WhatsApp contacts. In another related article, we discussed how to hide your phone number on Telegram.

Downloading Previously Deleted Files

When you delete an already downloaded media file from your gallery and try to access it from WhatsApp, you will receive a message that the file no longer exists in your internal storage. On Telegram, you can easily re-download the deleted files from your terminal.

Choose who can view your Last Seen Info

Both Telegram and WhatsApp have the Last Seen feature. The feature allows users to control whether or not other people can see when last you were online. However, the last seen feature on Telegram is more advanced as you can block a specific user from seeing your last seen info. On WhatsApp, you can only hide the last seen info from specific groups (i.e. Everyone, My Contacts, Nobody).

Image 5: Useful Telegram Functions that WhatsApp Does Not Have

Save to Gallery Feature

When you download media files from WhatsApp, they automatically find their way to your device’s gallery. If you have limited storage space, you may exhaust your space within a short time. Telegram, on the other hand, has a Save to gallery feature that you can turn off whenever you want. When turned off, your downloaded media files will not be saved to your device’s internal storage.

Image 6: Useful Telegram Functions that WhatsApp Does Not Have

Lock Individual Chats

It is possible to lock individual chats with a passcode on Telegram. You will require to input the correct passcode before accessing the chats. This privacy feature is not available on WhatsApp. On WhatsApp, you can only use the fingerprint feature to protect other people from accessing your account.

Image 8: Useful Telegram Functions that WhatsApp Does Not Have

Multiple Profile Photos

On Telegram, it is possible to add several photos as your profile photos. This feature allows you to display a gallery of different pictures as your profile photos. WhatsApp only allows you to upload only one photo as your profile photo.

  1. WhatsApp Messenger

    WhatsApp Messenger

    WhatsApp Messenger is a communication app designed for smartphones that allow users to send and receive messages, videos, images, and audio notes to contacts (including international numbers) through Wi-Fi or the cellular network when there is an Internet connection.

    Get it on Google play
  2. Telegram


    Telegram is an easy-to-use messaging app that protects your privacy and user data. The app lets you create chat groups with up to 200 people, encodes the messages exchanged, lets you share videos of up to 1 GB, send multiple photos, and use the cloud storage service.

    Get it on Google play
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