Being a social networking giant, WhatsApp supports over two billion users across the globe. Apart from the ability to send and receive text messages and media files, the app also allows its users to make audio and video calls. The video calling feature has been supporting con…
The online status feature on your Facebook account allows your friends to know that you are online. A green dot will appear next to your name on the chatbox that is located on the bottom right side of your Facebook account’s webpage. This will alert your friends that you are …
Facebook is among the major social media platforms in the world and there is a lot to do while logged in. Apart from the regular viewing of news feeds and chatting with friends, you can search for businesses, companies, celebrity pages, videos, and other types of content. Int…
One of the best and most appreciated WhatsApp features is the ability to see if someone has read your WhatsApp messages. Using the ticks that appear on each message you send to an individual or a group, you can easily know if your message was sent, delivered, or read. To furt…
When creating a new account in many social media apps including WhatsApp, you are required to enter your phone number which in most cases will be used for verification purposes. For WhatsApp, your phone number is the primary detail needed to create an account as WhatsApp acco…
WhatsApp is one of the most popular social networking apps around the globe. The app is used in over 100 countries and supports more than 40 international languages. This means that depending on where you are in the world, you can use WhatsApp in a language that you can easil…
As the Coronavirus continues to spread and affect most countries across the globe, a lot of fake news concerning the virus is being peddled around, especially through social media. The spread of fake news about the Coronavirus pandemic may result in unnecessary panic or poor …
The developers of WhatsApp messenger work tirelessly to ensure that its users get to enjoy more features from the app. However, not all of the app’s users around the world know of all its exciting features. Did you know that you could change the font size and style on y…
In a bid to make WhatsApp better, engineers work hard to introduce new features that will be beneficial to the users. Just recently, WhatsApp introduced the delete-for-everyone feature that helps users delete unwanted messages that they send to each other. It has now been not…
WhatsApp is without a doubt the most used social media platform across the globe. With the app, you can send and receive text messages and other media files via individual or group chats. Each chat appears independently and the conversation in each chat appears as a thread. T…
Since its inception, Facebook has connected a lot of people across the globe. Each Facebook user has a unique list of friends and some end up even having mutual friends. By default, other Facebook users can access your profile and view your list of friends. They can then ask …
The dark mode is becoming a popular feature with some apps such as Telegram and Instagram already implementing it within their settings. Different from the normal bright theme, the dark mode allows users to interact with their phones on a darker theme that is not strenuous to…