The global giant known as WhatsApp is rolling out a brand new feature to your screens. You might find it similar to Facebook’s status updates which allow you add colorful backgrounds and fonts to them. If you use WhatsApp for your social needs then you’ll want to …
Instagram Stories is a way of telling the world what we are doing or something that has happened throughout our day. The story only lasts for a period of 24 hours before it is removed forever, meaning you’ll never be able to see a friends ‘amazing’ story. Ho…
Being able to chat online with strangers is getting easier and easier every day thanks to the advancements of technology. There has always been some sort of chat room which you can go on to find people all over the world, however now you can get a wide range of people at your…
WhatsApp is without doubt one of the biggest social apps in the world, with over 175 million active users every single day. One of the cool new features which has been added is the ability to change and customize the wallpaper for each individual chat or conversation you have…
Facebook are unveiling a brand new feature which is set to rival or battle with YouTube. It’s a simple idea which is executed right could be hugely successful. The premise is that you can use Facebook, or Facebook Watch as it is called, to discover and watch an array of…
For those of you who don’t know, Facebook is a social giant. The king of communication lets you send messages to your friends and family, locate and discover businesses, find people you may have long forgotten about and so much more. But of course, you probably already …
WhatsApp has taken over the world, and for good reason. It is by far one of the best communication apps you’ll find on the market which revolutionizes the way we chat with our friends, family, colleagues and more. It doesn’t matter what country you’re in, wh…
July is almost at and end and yet the sunshine keeps coming and hopefully the temperature is still lovely and warm (with the exception of England, which doesn’t experience a summer like it should!) With this lovely weather we have had an array of excellent apps hit the …
While it was once the common thing to make voice calls and occasionally use Skype as a social platform for video calling, now it’s common practice to video call all of the time. Video chat apps have evolved and progressed to make it easy to chat with our friends regardl…
As far as technology has advanced, it’s still incredibly annoying when you accidentally delete your messages. Fortunately, despite this flaw when you tap on “delete” instead of “add conversation”, it’s not the end of the world. There are a …
WhatsApp (You know, that huge social giant that lets you message anybody in the world) has introduced a cool new feature that lets you make any GIF out of the videos on your device. This gives you the power to literally create any kind of GIF in the world, providing you have …
Summer is fast approaching with the sun slowly taking over the doom and gloom of the world. To celebrate this wonderful time of year, we’ve found 5 of the best apps for June, including Adobe Scan and Melon. Take a look at our list below and see what tickles your fancy, …