The new Netflix app will be ready for Android TV
By the end of the year consumers will have access to Android TV and Netflix want us all to know that they are getting ready for it!
To prove they are taking Android TV seriously, they have already released their Android TV compatible app for testing. They are hoping to continue their success in this new market as the most popular online TV service available.
The variety of programming and versatility of use allows Netflix customers to watch their favorite TV shows and films on any screen. The current Android Netflix app means that Android users can stream directly to their smartphone and/or tablet.
Android TV aims to combine online media with TV so viewers can access an even wider range of media from one place; either through a set top box or an integrated TV.
This flexible viewing is perfect for Netflix and it is keen to get a head start. The app they have produced for the Android TV will keep the very best of other Netflix platforms, including the ability to have multiple user accounts, watch lists and ratings. Users can control the Netflix app with their Android TV remote or a controller app that will be available to download onto their Android device.
The Netflix app for the Android TV is still only is the developing stage and is going through the beta testing process. Developers working with the ADT-1. will be able to access and trial it to iron out any bugs or glitches. Netflix will be ready for Android TV, will you?
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