Telegram has grown its popularity over the years across the globe due to its great functionality, security, and privacy features. With Telegram, users are guaranteed security and privacy when chatting on private chats, groups, and even channels. One of the greatly appreciated…
Android Apps
It is almost common knowledge that when you are registering a new WhatsApp account, you are required to use a working phone number. The phone number that is used during registration will be linked to the account and will be seen by people that add you to their WhatsApp contac…
Telegram, like other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allows users to interact by sending messages and media files. On Telegram, as is the case on Twitter, content is filtered to protect users against explicit content and privacy issues. Telegram h…
Telegram allows its users to send and receive texts and other media files including images, videos, audio, and documents. When using Telegram, users can accidentally delete messages causing distress and loss of very important information. Fortunately, some options are availab…
TikTok is well known for posting and sharing short videos. The growth of TikTok’s popularity over the years has also led to advancements in its features and video editing tools. One of the famous and commonly enjoyed editing tools on TikTok is transitions. Transitions are eff…
In today’s digital era, people are making money through various online platforms, including social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and also Telegram. Over the years, Telegram has emerged as a powerful tool for earning income. With its vast use…
As a TikTok user, there are many short videos for you to watch, like, and also comment on. While viewing TikTok videos, you might come across videos that you relate with and would like to view them again at a later time. As a solution, TikTok has an in-built feature that allo…
Changing fonts on Instagram can be a fun and creative way to make your posts stand out and express your personal style. Instagram has limited built-in options for font customization and only the text-based stories have the in-built option to customize fonts. However, there ar…
Just like other top social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, Telegram also has verified accounts. Verified accounts in the various social media platforms are represented by a badge next to the username of the specific account. As is common knowledge, not …
Virtual pet games are a subset of the simulation genre where you adopt, feed, clean, and take care of a little virtual pet. Virtual pet games have captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide, providing them with an opportunity to care for and bond with adorable virtu…
Telegram is a commonly used social media app and just like its competitors Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, users can send and receive various media files including images, videos, documents, and audio. If someone sends you a video on Telegram, you will have to download it …
Hashtags have become very common on various social media platforms including Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Hashtags can be single words or a combination of various words and characters with the # sign before them. Hashtags help categorize content to make them more discovera…