Just recently, WhatsApp released an instant video feature that allowed users to share a short video quickly while chatting, just like they would send instant voice notes. The feature allows users to switch between sending an instant video or audio. As the feature gained popul…
Have you ever wondered how TikTok brings up videos that you are interested in almost every time you scroll through videos? Well, TikTok has an algorithm that monitors what you watch and what other people who like similar content watch and suggests videos for you. However, you…
Instagram has evolved into more than just a platform for sharing photos and videos; it’s now a powerful tool for business marketing and personal branding. One effective strategy to boost your presence on Instagram is through creating collaborative posts. Instagram offer…
Telegram is one of the most popular instant messaging apps globally, known for its robust security features and user-friendly interface. One of the security features of Telegram is the ability to keep track of users’ login history. Checking your Telegram account’s login histo…
Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with billions of users sharing photos, videos, and stories every day. While having an Instagram account is the standard way to access and interact with content on the platform, you may want to access In…
Telegram is a popular messaging app that allows people to chat, share pictures, and connect with friends and family. While Telegram is a fun and useful platform, there may be times when you encounter users who are behaving inappropriately or violating the app’s rules. I…
WhatsApp video calls allow users to have individual and group video calls with their friends and family. Traditionally, WhatsApp video calls have been widely used for social calls where people can see each other as they discuss their issues. It was however difficult to presen…
To prevent data loss in case of a device loss, damage, or change, Telegram, just like WhatsApp, creates backups for all your chats. Telegram backups include text messages and media files that are stored within the application’s servers when you are using the app online. When …
Every commonly used social media platform including Instagram allows its users to upload a profile picture of their choice. The profile picture acts as a user identifier, just like the username. As an Instagram user, having a high-quality profile picture on Instagram makes yo…
Adding songs to your TikTok videos makes them more interesting and if a trending song is used, the videos may also go viral. Finding the right song for your TikTok videos might be challenging, especially if you do not know the trending songs. How then do you find trending and…
Just like on Telegram, WhatsApp has just recently introduced Channels on their platform. WhatsApp Channels are a new way to receive important information from organizations, interest groups, or societies. Unlike normal WhatsApp groups, WhatsApp Channels supports one-way commu…
Telegram has risen over the years to become a popular messaging app across the globe. Telegram continues to provide its users with great features that improve accessibility and usability. However, as more people continue to join Telegram, the increase of fake accounts has bec…