The archive function in WhatsApp has been in use for a while now. When you archive a conversation in WhatsApp, the conversation is moved to the archive folder and cannot be seen from the Chats tab. However, if a new message is received from an archived chat, the chat will rea…
Social Networking
If you often use WhatsApp, then you probably know about the blue ticks feature. The blue ticks feature was introduced back in 2014 and allowed the sender of a WhatsApp message to know whether the recipient has read their message or not. By default, when you send a WhatsApp me…
Telegram remains one of the commonly used social media platforms across the globe. Telegram’s features and security settings have contributed to its high ranking among other social media giants. Telegram boasts of providing secure communication and increased privacy to its us…
To make conversations more interesting on WhatsApp, developers included stickers to be used in chats. After a short while, animated stickers were introduced to complement the normal stickers. Animated stickers can move and bring out more expression than the normal still stick…
Since their introduction on Instagram, Instagram Stories have been appreciated and used by millions of people on the platform. If you are new on Instagram, Instagram stories are images, short videos text, and other media files that are posted and disappear automatically after…
You probably have heard of social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter being hacked. Malicious people gain access to any of your accounts and use them to post unethical content. They may even lock you out of your accounts and use them as theirs. To curb this se…
If you are working in an office environment or with a team, then there must be a time that you have wanted to speak and work with each other remotely. Slack may be a solution for you if you are currently not using it! Slack is an all-purpose communication app that supports co…
WhatsApp supports various multimedia files including videos, images, and audio files. You can send or receive audio files from other WhatsApp users. You can also record your own audio messages and send them directly to your contacts or groups instead of typing text messages W…
The WhatsApp voice messages feature has become very common amongst WhatsApp users. Instead of typing a long paragraph to explain something, it would be easier to record and send a voice message. WhatsApp voice messages will help deliver messages in the right tone and emotions…
Socializing is very common in people. If people are not meeting in person to socialize, they are socializing on their devices via social media apps. Technological advancements, over the years, have made it easier for people to socialize over the internet from all over the wor…
In the contemporary world, not everyone sends text messages. People have resulted to instant messaging apps like WhatsApp and Messenger. However, sending text messages remains one of the official forms of communication. If you wish to deliver an important message to some of y…
TikTok is known for short, funny, and exciting videos! To date, TikTok has millions of users who access the app to post, like, and share short videos. As a TikTok user, you can get many likes and followers by constantly uploading relevant, interesting, and entertaining conten…