As a Telegram user, you might wonder, out of curiosity or otherwise, when a particular account was created. There is no internal setting or feature on the Telegram app that allows you to know when an account, group, or channel was created. However, some workarounds allow Tele…
Social Networking
In a world where sharing photos and short videos and connecting with friends is a part of everyday life, finding the perfect platform is essential. Instagram has gained popularity over the years and has been widely used across the globe to allow millions of people to connect.…
Instagram allows its users to create, edit, and post Reels for other users to interact with. Once reels are posted on public Instagram profiles, they will be seen by other users who follow them. To increase the viewership of Instagram Reels, Instagram users can now share thei…
TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms globally, known for its short video format and vibrant user community. Many users spend hours creating and editing their content, and maybe saving some as drafts for posting at a later time. However, these drafts can so…
One common feature on Instagram is the ability to follow other users and request to follow private accounts. By default, you can follow public Instagram accounts by tapping on the follow button available on their profile. However, for private accounts, after tapping the follo…
If you use TikTok often, you won’t miss noticing when updates and new features are introduced to the app. Just recently, TikTok added the nudge feature to the app. Many TikTok users might have noticed the new feature but are not quite sure what it does. The nudge feature allo…
Telegram is a popular messaging app known for its privacy and security features. The privacy features help users stay protected while using the app. Sometimes when using Telegram, you may want to view some messages without the sender knowing; either because you don’t want to …
Instagram features and tools continue to grow as they seek to enhance user experience. Threads is one Instagram feature that is designed to help users connect more intimately with their close friends through a separate messaging app. When an Instagram user sign up for Threads…
TikTok, as you know it, is a popular social media platform that allows users to create and share short videos with friends and followers. Just like other social media platforms, privacy is a major issue on TikTok. To help protect its users’ privacy, TikTok has included …
Just recently, WhatsApp released an instant video feature that allowed users to share a short video quickly while chatting, just like they would send instant voice notes. The feature allows users to switch between sending an instant video or audio. As the feature gained popul…
Have you ever wondered how TikTok brings up videos that you are interested in almost every time you scroll through videos? Well, TikTok has an algorithm that monitors what you watch and what other people who like similar content watch and suggests videos for you. However, you…
Instagram has evolved into more than just a platform for sharing photos and videos; it’s now a powerful tool for business marketing and personal branding. One effective strategy to boost your presence on Instagram is through creating collaborative posts. Instagram offer…