How to Know if They Blocked You on WhatsApp, Telegram or Facebook Messenger

Exciting Facebook Messenger improvements of 2016

The ways that we can communicate with our friends and family has changed a lot over the years. It used to be that we had the option to send a text message (and usually we would try to cram everything into ‘one’ SMS to avoid using credit for two!) or we could make a phone call.

With technology today though we can easily send as many messages to our friends or family as we want without having to spend a single cent. These social apps have made communication evolve into an effortless experience. We can even make voice and video calls from within most social apps these days.

If you used to chat to your friends before the smartphone era then you’ll know how anxious you can feel when you’ve sent a message and after what seems like hours you’ve still not had a reply. Well this can be amplified on smartphones thanks to the wonderful inclusion of little ticks which let us know when our messages have been read.

While this is good on one hand as it lets us know our recipient has received our message, it can also be painstakingly frustrating when you know it’s been read and you’ve got no reply. Going forward from that is the possibility that you may well have been blocked on one of the most popular social apps.


Starting with one of the most popular apps on the market; WhatsApp. Now first things first, there is no surefire way to know whether or not you have been blocked on WhatsApp. There are however several little clues which can all point towards the fact you’re no longer considered someone to speak to.

Those wonderful ticks

Whenever you send a message on WhatsApp you will first see a solid grey tick. This indicates that the message has been delivered to your contact. Usually almost instantly to this you’ll see a second tick beside it. This tells us that our recipient has indeed received the message. Now most of us are used to seeing these ticks turn blue. This means that the message has not only been received but that it’s also been opened and read.

If you send a message and it seems that there is only one tick under your message, regardless of how many hours or days go by, then you can take this as a good indication that you’ve been blocked. That’s not the only explanation though. Your contact could be out of an Internet zone for several days or perhaps they’ve just deactivated their account.

Last Seen

Another blessing that’s a curse is the “last seen” info we can see when we tap on a contact. This lets us know exactly when our beloved friend was last on WhatsApp (and can make us angry when we can see they were just on but failed to reply!)

If you never see this information onscreen then again it could point to the fact that you’ve been blocked. It could also just mean that they’ve changed their privacy settings to hide this information.

Profile Pictures

A very strong indication that you’ve been blocked is if your contact no longer has a visible picture you can look at. If your ex used to have a picture of a puppy but now all you see is a blank avatar then you might be able to assume you have been blocked.

Video, Voice and Group Chats

Try and video call your contact. Try to voice call them. Try to add them to a group. If none of this work then you can safely assume your recipient has either deactivated their account or that they have gone and done the unthinkable; Blocked you!


Telegram is a very similar messenger to WhatsApp. Luckily that means that you can look out for the exact same issues as above. They all apply to Telegram and if you find all of them are present then you can go ahead and make an angry phone call to your ‘friend’ who may have blocked you. (Don’t really call them and be angry, there could well be an explanation for their lack of contact’.

Facebook Messenger

Messenger is another kettle of fish as it is tied in with your actual Facebook page. While you can still look out for some of the symptoms that are present with WhatsApp, there is one easy way to figure out if you’ve been blocked on Facebook Messenger. 

All you need to do is search for your friend on the Facebook app or website. If they don’t show up then they’ve either deactivated their account or they’ve blocked you. You’ll also find that if you have previously exchanged messages on Messenger that their profile picture will be a blank avatar and you’ll probably get a notification stating that you can no longer message this person.

To double-check if you’ve personally been blocked, ask a friend to search for the same person. If they show up in their results and can be contacted then you know you’ve been disconnected from their social circle. Sad times!

  1. WhatsApp Messenger

    WhatsApp Messenger

    WhatsApp is the mammoth of all communication apps. It is a giant that constantly adds new features and provides you with a completely free way to send messages, voice and video calls to your friends. You can also share documents, photography and media with ease. It’s no wonder why it’s one of the most used apps in the world.

  2. Telegram


    Telegram is very similar to WhatsApp. It isn’t as widely used but it does have a great focus on user privacy and data. Each message is encoded and encrypted so it can’t be accessed at private servers or hacked. You can also share videos, photos and access cloud storage. It’s a great alternative to WhatsApp.

  3. Messenger


    Messenger is the accompanying application to Facebook and provides you with a complete separate platform to communicate to your friends and family. You can share media, messages and make voice and video calls. Anybody who is a friend on your Facebook account can be contacted here and you can make group chats too.

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