WhatsApp groups help in bringing people together without having to meet physically. Participants in WhatsApp groups can chat with each other at the same time without having to send everyone an individual message. Everyone in a WhatsApp group can see and reply to what other pa…
You can use Facebook Messenger without a Facebook account! It is very possible. Before Facebook Messenger was released, people on Facebook would send and receive direct messages from within the Facebook app. After the release of Facebook Messenger, Facebook users were asked t…
After Google Pay and Apple Pay were released, Facebook was not left behind as it introduced Facebook Pay. Facebook Pay is a payment system powered by Facebook through the app or the website. People using Facebook Pay can send and receive money and make online payments. Recent…
Facebook is one of the most used social media platforms across the globe. Apart from bringing people through posts, groups, and direct messages, Facebook users can also post and share media files such as photos, videos, and GIFs with each other. As a Facebook user, it is also…
Most social media apps support some form of customization that makes the user experience better. WhatsApp comes with a default layout that is universal to all users. However, the app has provision for users to make some changes to the layout. You can customize your WhatsApp a…
As much as social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram bring people together, users are prone to cyberbullying. Bullies may visit your profile on your different social media pages and retrieve information that they may use to bully you. To prevent these bu…
Thanks to the WhatsApp voice calling feature, making calls has been made easier and cheaper. Before the voice calling feature was introduced on WhatsApp, making international calls was damn expensive since service providers applied different calling rates. Now all you have to…
Before WhatsApp, it would take a lot of effort to share a couple of images with friends and family. Today, all you need is a good internet connection and a WhatsApp account and all the images sent to you will be automatically downloaded to your phone. However, if your phone h…
Not so long ago, Facebook introduced Stories to its platform. Just like Snapchat and Instagram, Facebook users can now add short images and video clips that disappear automatically after 24 hours. The stories appear in a row within the news feed. However, not every Facebook u…
Being one of the most used messenger apps across the globe, WhatsApp has a lot of features that make it easier and interesting to use. If you regularly chat with a particular contact or a group on WhatsApp, you can easily pin the chats so that they always appear on the top of…
Most phones today have the Call Waiting feature. The call waiting feature notifies you of an incoming call when you are on a call. The notification comes in the form of two short beeps. Rather than the caller being notified that your line is busy, the call will be put through…
One of WhatsApp’s most used features is the audio messages. Many people are increasingly sending each other audio messages rather than traditional texts. Recording and sending audio messages is faster and convenient especially when you are engaged in other activities. To list…