Sometimes it’s nice to customize your Android device by injecting a little personality into it. That means ditching the default notification settings and adding something with a little more…umph. It’s incredibly easy to do as well. We’ll talk you throu…
First smartphones dominated the world and then not long after so did social apps. From the ability to communicate with each other for free grew a need for expression. That expression arrived in the shape of emoji and emoticons. While apps such as WhatsApp have built in emotic…
Facebook emerged as one of the greatest things since sliced bread. It slowly took hold of the masses and began controlling our every move – kind of. We turn to social apps like Facebook to organize events, catch up with old friends, stalk ex-partners, post our daily liv…
The weather that is plaguing the world of late hasn’t been ideal for spring time. Countries have endured snow and incredibly cold temperatures. That means there is only one way left to go though, and that’s up – or warm in this case. It hasn’t been all…
Instagram has emerged as one of the most prominent and powerful social tools on the market to date. It’s a great business tool as well as just a fun way of showcasing your day, adventures and cool photos of random things that pop up along the way. With that in mind, hav…
WhatsApp is one of the biggest communication apps in the world. It’s daily usage figures by users around the world are incredible, and they are expected to keep growing. In fact, reports suggest that by the end of 2018, one in three people all over the world will use Wh…
Social media and apps which utilize photo sharing such as Instagram are incredibly popular all around the world. If you have a smartphone then the chances are that you have at least one communication app like Facebook or Twitter installed. And if you don’t; well then yo…
WhatsApp has become the go-to app for anyone to handle their communication and social interactions. It’s used by millions of people from around the world and provides a seamless and effortless experience to chat to friends and family, all for free. One of the features w…
WhatsApp doesn’t need an introduction. It’s one of the biggest (if not the biggest) communication applications you can get. It enables you to send videos, photos, audio clips and of course messages to your friends and family, all over the world without paying a ce…
WhatsApp is one of the most used communication apps in the world, meaning it should be your go-to social application of choice. It’s packed with features and allows you to chat to your friends and family, completely for free. It also comes with a little feature which te…
January is a dreary month of the year. Christmas has long been over and the weather is usually cold and grim (unless you’re lucky enough to live on the other side of the world of course). That doesn’t stop app developers from launching and releasing high-quality a…
As of the 18th of January, WhatsApp Business was finally released. It’s been in the works for quite some time (you might have read a post we did on it back in September of 2017) but now it’s released to the public. The downside is that as of right now, it’s …