
The best free Android Wear media apps available today The best free Android Wear media apps available today

The technology is finally here; get an Android Wear device to make your wrist smarter than ever before. No longer is the Android Wear a concept of the future, 24 new apps and updates are available now to support it. Here we will look at the best media apps you can download to…

Twitter allows animation on your timeline by supporting GIFs Twitter allows animation on your timeline by supporting GIFs

Your Twitter timeline will become a lot more animated with Twitter now supporting Graphic Interchange Format’s or as we all know them; GIFs!   The GIFs will not become animated without the viewer clicking on them. This is a useful addition because it will save you bandw…

New Facebook Slingshot app inspired by Snapchat New Facebook Slingshot app inspired by Snapchat

Facebook’s new Slingshot app aims to make sharing content a more organic and natural process, by taking inspiration from the Snapchat phenomenon.   When you open the app, like Snapchat the camera opens automatically. But unlike Snapchat, after you take a picture or…

New Facebook Android app listens to and shares your media New Facebook Android app listens to and shares your media

The new feature on the Android Facebook app will help you to share the music, TV and films you are watching  in real time.  We all use Facebook as a way to share our lives with our family and friends. Media is a big part of modern culture and Facebook’s new app feature …