Many apps today ask for permission to track your location for a number of reasons. Facebook tracks your location even when you are not using the app to identify where you are using the app from, to help you find new friends, suggest specific ads for you, and to show events th…
There are many reasons that would prompt someone to block you on WhatsApp. Being blocked means that you cannot send texts, media files or make WhatsApp calls to that particular contact. You will also not be able to view their status, last seen and profile picture. Good news i…
WhatsApp voice notes /voice messages are a great way of sending and receiving recorded audio files amongst friends and family. It is sometimes difficult to listen to your voice messages either because some messages are inaudible or you are in a public place and can’t risk oth…
Recovering deleted notifications from your phone may seem very impossible, but is quite easy. You need to access the notification log from your device to view all deleted notifications. By following these simple steps below, you will be able to access the notification log and…
You have seen people writing in rainbow text on Instagram Stories and probably wondered how it’s done. Well, you can also make your own rainbow texts using very simple steps. Rainbow text was introduced to Instagram as a feature that allows you to create multi-colored texts t…
Are you looking for confidentiality when chatting on your phone? Well, you can now send self-destructing messages using some Android messaging apps. Messages will be deleted automatically after some time leaving no digital trail behind after you send texts and media files. Li…
Have you accidentally deleted important WhatsApp chats from your Android phone? Are you upgrading to a new phone and do not want to lose WhatsApp chats from your old phone? Well, don’t worry because you can recover your deleted messages with ease. However, before you re…
If someone accesses your Wi-Fi network they can… Steal your credit card information and then use it to purchase items for themselves. See what websites you’re visiting. Monitor your personal conversations. And more. So, you definitely don’t want anyone acces…
WhatsApp groups are super popular and we all love them. However, you know how sometimes you just want to reply privately to a message you see while in a group chat? You want to comment on something you just read. However, you don’t want everyone in the group to see it, …
If you’re like most people you install apps without taking the time to read the fine print. And often…the fine print contains some pretty shocking details. For example, did you know that some Android apps can actually track your physical location? If you’re …
Unfortunately, we’ve reached the point where even protecting your account with a super strong password isn’t enough. That’s why more and more people are opting for two-factor authentication to protect their private data from prying eyes. In this tutorial, I&…
When guests come over do they usually ask you for the Wi-Fi password? If your Wi-Fi- password is complex (and it should be!) you probably groan and then proceed to carefully give the person the password. I feel your pain. It’s a real headache. The good news is that ther…