Telegram has a growing client base and it’s known for its features, groups, channels, bots, and other useful features. The multifunctionality of Telegram is the reason why it has millions of downloads. Most people use Telegram for fun, entertainment, and making new friends, w…
WhatsApp Plus is the most common version of WhatsApp that is used by most people across the globe. However, WhatsApp Plus is not the only version of WhatsApp that is available in the market. Other third-party developers have created different versions of WhatsApp that have mo…
House parties are great social events where friends and family members can have a great time and enjoy time indoors. To keep house parties lively, people need to participate in various activities, including playing games. Traditionally, there have been many physical indoor ga…
TikTok is a great social media platform where you can share short videos for other users to like and comment on. Apart from sharing social videos, corporate accounts and social media marketers use TikTok as a platform to advertise their products and services to potential clie…
To keep your Instagram account secure from hackers, Instagram has released a new security checkup feature in its newest update. The Instagram security checkup feature gives users recommended steps to ensure their accounts are secure. If Instagram thinks that an account is at …
Android devices have several apps that can be considered to have sensitive or personal data. For instance, the gallery on your device may contain private family photos that you would not want other people to access. Also, the messaging app or the email app may contain sensiti…
More often than not, we send and receive images on WhatsApp amongst other media files. If you have shared images on WhatsApp for a while, you must have noticed that WhatsApp compresses images before sending them to a recipient. This results in the recipient receiving images w…
Instagram has an Explore page that is accessible by tapping the Magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the launch page. If you are tired of viewing the regular feed page, you can explore more Instagram images, videos, and reels from the explore page. The explore page uses alg…
Out of the many Android game genres, there is one that is recently gaining popularity amongst Android users, Gacha Games. For those that are unfamiliar with Gacha games, these are games that allow players to gain in-game currency that will be used to purchase in-game items an…
If you have used TikTok for some time, you must have noticed that some videos may use the same sound even though the content is different. These are sounds that are created by other TikTok users and have become popular and available for other content creators to use. TikTok s…
Are you aware of Instagram’s new dual camera feature? If not, this article elaborates more about it and how to use it. In its latest updates, Instagram introduced the dual camera feature that allows Instagram users to capture images and short videos with the front and back ca…
Pokémon Go is one of the most common Augmented Reality games that was released by The Nintendo Company. The game grew in popularity in 2016 and became one of the most downloaded games. Pokémon Go collaborated with Google Maps to create a masterpiece that allowed players to ex…