WhatsApp has two official accounts; the WhatsApp Messenger account and WhatsApp Business account. WhatsApp Messenger account is the commonly used account and is tailored for socializing; sending and receiving texts and media files from other WhatsApp users. WhatsApp Business …
Android Apps
If you have used social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook you must have noted some blue ticks beside some profile names. This means that these profiles have been verified by the respective administrators of the various platforms. Being verified means that y…
With the need to post beautiful photos on social media platforms, many photo editing tools and apps have come up. With the help of a photo editing app, you can transform a normal photo into something amazing that will raise attention on the internet. Apart from using the comm…
WhatsApp continues to gain new users every day due to its popularity and practicality when it comes to its functions. Being an instant messaging service, WhatsApp allows its users to send and receive text and media messages from across the globe. WhatsApp also boasts privacy …
If you are a regular Instagram user and posts interesting content, other users can find and follow your profile. You can scroll through the “Your followers” list and follow them back. Having a large following on Instagram is advantageous, especially if you are using your acco…
WhatsApp provides a wide array of emojis for people to use. Emojis add life to conversations and bring out the right emotions when chatting. Just like in other social media applications, emojis on WhatsApp can be used in conversations; both group and individual. WhatsApp als…
If you are a frequent Instagram user, you may have posted many photos and videos over time. When you post images and videos on your feed, other Instagram users will be able to view and comment on your content. The photos and videos that you have posted on Instagram can be vie…
WhatsApp is constantly working on a series of updates to make the app better and more practical to users. One update that has recently caught the attention of many WhatsApp users is the quick reaction feature. Quick reaction replies are very common in social media platforms l…
If you wish to explore other social media platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram should be your immediate pick. Telegram is a very commonly used social media platform with millions of users. Just like WhatsApp, you can send and receive texts, images, videos, audio files, and docum…
Shopping is part of our lives! At some point, you will have to shop for common household items, furniture, electronics, or apparel. Physical shopping needs a lot of planning and is sometimes very energy draining. You have to walk to various stores to compare prices and get wh…
Instagram is well known for photos, short videos, and reels. Instagram users can post photos and short videos as Stories or as normal posts. Instagram also allows users to add descriptive captions to their Stories and posts. If you use your Instagram account to market your bu…
WhatsApp has over the years implemented many interesting and practical features that keep users satisfied. One of the most appreciated features is the ability to back up conversations and chat history. When using WhatsApp, you can choose the frequency at which you will back u…