WhatsApp continues to roll out new updates in a bid to improve its services to its users. The recent one is the use of a proxy. WhatsApp Proxy is a tool that allows users to access the WhatsApp messaging service while connected to a proxy server. In general, a proxy is often …
On Instagram, you can view posts and stories from all your followers and those that you are following. If you do not want to view posts or stories from particular users, you can use the muting feature. Muting someone on Instagram is a great way to keep your feed organized wit…
In other social media platforms like Twitter, Telegram, and Facebook, polls have been used to interact with other users by getting their opinion about a specific topic. For the longest time, WhatsApp users have been waiting for the poll feature to be included in the app. Just…
Instagram is a very popular social media platform that connects a lot of people from across the globe. To regulate the usage of the platform, Instagram has some community guidelines and terms of use that all users should follow. If as an Instagram user, you violate the set ru…
If you are having an issue with WhatsApp on your Android device, you may want to get in touch with WhatsApp support to help resolve your issue. Unlike other social media platforms, WhatsApp does not have support contact numbers where users can call and get help. Instea…
As you are interacting on the Instagram app, you may get many followers along the way. At some point, you may start to wonder when you started following a particular person or certain people on Instagram. Knowing when you started following someone can help you know how long y…
Have you ever wondered whether you can send blank messages on WhatsApp? If you have and have probably tried sending one, you must have found out that it was impossible to directly send a blank message on WhatsApp. Tapping the space bar to include spaces in the WhatsApp messag…
Getting followers on Instagram, especially if you have a business account, is necessary. Having many followers on Instagram means that many people will view and interact with your content, and if you advertise your business via Instagram, many potential customers will view yo…
Avatars are very common on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and recently WhatsApp. If you are not familiar with avatars, they are digital representations of yourself that can be animated. You can customize your avatar by choosing things like your hairstyle, cl…
Just like WhatsApp and other social media platforms, you need to provide your mobile number when registering an account on Telegram. The number provided will be linked to your account and cannot be used to create another account. Although using mobile numbers and sim cards to…
WhatsApp has included a new feature, WhatsApp Communities, in its latest update. What is the new feature all about? The new WhatsApp Communities feature offers a way to organize related groups in one place. All the groups that are part of this folder can be seen with a single…
TikTok has become very popular amongst many people across the globe. Due to the many people interacting with the app, many security and privacy issues may arise. Just as in other commonly used social media platforms, TikTok has taken stringent measures to help protect genuine…