WhatsApp is still the commonly used social media platform across the globe. WhatsApp is so common that when people buy new devices, they install the app immediately. Some devices even come with the WhatsApp app already pre-installed. As a WhatsApp user, you must have experien…
If you are a regular WhatsApp user, you must have heard about the new WhatsApp Plus. If you haven’t, worry not, as this piece will enlighten you. WhatsApp Plus is a new but unofficial replica of the original WhatsApp app. WhatsApp Plus has some extra features that are not ava…
TikTok is fast gaining popularity as many people continue to join every day! Today the app is highly ranked and competes with other top social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Telegram. As a TikTok user, you have to be very active on the platform to gain more fol…
Instagram continues to occupy the top slots when it comes to social media rankings. Many people are joining the platform each day to post images and videos and also to view posts from other users. Instagram users tend to view and follow Instagram profiles that have interestin…
WhatsApp is still the commonly used social media platform across the globe. The many features available on WhatsApp allow users to spend more time on the app. WhatsApp Users can view other people’s profiles and status updates. As a WhatsApp user, you may want to know who has …
Among the many appreciated features available on Facebook Messenger, the Secret Conversations feature is on top of the list. The Secret Conversations feature allows users to send each other end-to-end encrypted messages that disappear immediately after the recipient views the…
If you love exploring new apps, then you must have heard of the new Signal app. If you haven’t yet, don’t worry as this piece will enlighten you. Signal is a new messaging app just like WhatsApp, Telegram, or Instagram but with an added level of privacy. Over the years, there…
Wallpapers make devices more attractive when using them! Most social media platforms including WhatsApp allow their users to customize the wallpapers on the platforms. Recently, an update on WhatsApp has allowed users to customize the wallpapers on each chat. This means that,…
The dark mode has been with us for a while; gaining immense support from millions of users globally. Many Android devices now come with the dark mode function that allows users to switch between the normal mode and transform their whole device to the dark mode. Many developer…
Over the last few years, TikTok has grown to become one of the major social media platforms. Many people are joining TikTok every day to view and post short videos. You can customize the videos you post on TikTok by adding music, stickers, and other effects to make them more …
TikTok has grown in popularity over the years to become one of the commonly used social media platforms. Just like on Instagram, you can upload videos on your account for other users to view or just view video posts from other TikTok users. As a TikTok user, you will find dif…
Have you ever sent a WhatsApp message or messages that you have to delete after some time due to privacy concerns? Well, if you have, you know that the deleting process might be tiring especially if you have many messages to delete. To help with the problem, just like with ot…