WhatsApp notifications can sometimes be annoying, especially when you need silence around you. If you do not want to see notifications or hear notification sounds from the group and individual chats, WhatsApp offers a feature that allows you to mute the notifications. This fe…
Social Networking
Have you ever sent photos to one of your contacts on WhatsApp and they complain that the photos are of lower quality compared to the original? Well, that’s not in any way your fault. WhatsApp uses a rather intensive compression procedure that reduces the quality of the photos…
Many are the times that we share our phones with friends and family. When we do this, we risk our private chats on our social media platforms being read. Since most of us use WhatsApp, we usually risk our private and group chats being read by snoopy people. To avoid people fr…
Notifications from apps are helpful but can be annoying if they keep blowing your phone up every time. For instance, Facebook has notifications for new friend requests, upcoming events, new posts, new group posts, reminders, and tags, among many others. These notifications ma…
Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms where you can share photos and videos with close friends and followers. Whether you are posting for fun or to grow your business brand, Instagram will expand your reach to your target audience. For you to reach out to m…
The status feature on WhatsApp has greatly improved how people use WhatsApp. Today, WhatsApp users can upload photos and short videos that will disappear automatically after 24 hours. By using WhatsApp status, you can easily share your memories and funny images and videos wit…
WhatsApp is one of the commonly used instant messaging apps with over 1 billion active users across the globe. WhatsApp allows users to send and receive texts, images, videos, audios, contacts, locations, and documents via an Internet connection. Not using WhatsApp even for a…
WhatsApp messenger has a very interesting feature that allows you to convert videos into GIFs. GIFs are compressed versions of videos thus allowing you to save on space in your device and mobile data if you intend to share videos with your friends on WhatsApp. WhatsApp can su…
You already know that WhatsApp Messenger allows you to send and receive voice messages. Instead of typing long text messages, you can use the voice recording feature on WhatsApp to send pre-recorded audio messages. Once you receive a voice message, all you need to do is downl…
WhatsApp Web came as an added advantage for most WhatsApp users. You can now use your WhatsApp account as you work on your computer or even send documents and media files directly from your computer to a person through WhatsApp without having to send the files to your …
Imagine the extensive damage that might happen if an unauthorized person accesses your Facebook account. If they succeed in changing your login details, you will be locked out from ever accessing your account. The intruders may then proceed to use your account for fraudulent …
If you are a frequent Instagram user, you may have noticed the recently added lyrics feature on Instagram Stories. If you haven’t, don’t worry as this piece will tell you all about it. Apart from just adding your favorite music to your stories (which has been there for a whil…